Fans Celebrate June 1st as Cloud and Aerith’s Wedding Anniversary

If you hang out on Twitter or other fan communities, you may see Clerith fans celebrating Cloud and Aeris’s wedding anniversary on June 1st. It’s a cute tradition, but do you know why?

The Japanese mobile phone game Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade held a special June Bride event in June 2017 titled “想いを胸に” – and Cloud and Aeris were not only chosen to market it, but “Groom Cloud” was only available with “Bride Aerith.”

During the event, you can draw cards of Groom Cloud and Bride Aerith.

At the event’s start, Cloud, dressed as a groom in white, has an animation where he kneels (as though proposing) with petals around him. Next, the screen fades to Aerith, who is wearing a white bridal gown, and expresses excitement – as though she has just been proposed to.

Cloud has a corsage of yellow, orange, and green flowers around his sword (you can see these petals falling in the animation above.)

The event then concludes with the following animation of Aeris throwing that same bouquet.

Tifa is also a bride in this event, however, she wasn’t available until after the “Clerith” portion of the event, and did not share any animation with Cloud. You also cannot win “Groom Cloud” with “Bride Tifa” – only rolling “Bride Aerith” gives you an exchange point to win “Groom Cloud.”

Tifa’s banner

For this part of the event, you can win a wedding cake knife with Tifa (Cloud’s sword above?). Drawing her card does not yield any animation. Evidently, Tifa will throw the wedding cake at Sephiroth, which is badass – you go, girl. She can also win Sephiroth’s sword.

And finally, here is footage of the event:

By the way, this was not the first time Cloud and Aeris have been implied to be married!

In 2013, Brigade first crowned Cloud and Aeris as Emperor and Empress for Hinamatsuri, and then again in 2018. This was an honor shared by other Final Fantasy couples such as Tidus and Yuna.

(Fun fact: in 2013, Tifa and Zack were also advertised in an upcoming event alongside Cloud and Aeris.. but while Cloud and Aeris matched as Emperor and Empress, it was Zack and Tifa wearing matching seifuku costumes!)

See their animation as Emperor and Empress in 2018 below! Talk about a power couple.

So there you have it. Cloud and Aeris have been portrayed as married three times in Final Fantasy Brigade. Happy anniversary indeed to the lovely couple! I guess Cait Sith’s prediction in Final Fantasy VII really did come true.

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