Official Square Enix Concert “Final Symphony” Claims Clerith

Final Symphony, an officially licensed Square Enix concert series, first debuted in 2013. Featuring music from Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy VII, the music was arranged into orchestral pieces that aimed to tell musical stories instead of simply replicating Nobuo Uematsu’s original songs.

With the recent announcement that Final Symphony will return in 2023 for another run, let’s look at the symphonic storytelling of Final Fantasy VII, which was told in a three-movement set arranged by Jonne Valtonen,


“Final Fantasy VII: Symphony in Three Movements” opened with “1. Nibelheim Incident.” This dark piece tells the origin of the drama with Sephiroth and JENOVA, with “One Winged Angel” weaving throughout the movement. The symphony closed with “III. The Planet’s Crisis,” which brilliantly imagines Cloud’s party members finding their resolve to fight together, the final battle of good against chaos, and the Lifestream’s healing victory. Both pieces are brilliant.

But it’s the second movement that spotlights Aeris. Titled “II. Interrupted by Fireworks,” this piece interprets the love triangle between Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa. It uses the titular date song, “Interrupted by Fireworks,” as an excuse to open, before focusing on Cloud’s theme (the Overworld Theme), Aeris’s theme, and Tifa’s theme. We hear these pieces dance around one another, speak to one another, strengthen and falter. Then, when Cloud and Aeris’s love takes center stage, the movement closes with the heart-wrenching tragedy of Aeris’s murder.

While listening above, let’s look at the official description of the piece, as bilingually published in the concert program, for how it enlightens the love triangle:

Image credit: @yozakura111

II. Words Drowned by Fireworks
The second movement, “Words Drowned by Fireworks”, focuses on the dynamic between the three main protagonists: Cloud (the central character), and his two potential love interests, Tifa and Aerith. It opens with a short introduction to Aerith via her theme, before the titular song begins (59:21), portraying her date with Cloud. Manifestations of “Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII” make appearances throughout, and the two characters hit it off while chimes flutter around like birds. Just as the conversation starts to go places, the interaction is halted by fireworks (1:02:20).

Afterwards, “Aerith’ s Theme” begins to play (1 :03:29), but before it can fully blossom the attention shifts back to Cloud for his exposition (1:03:48). His theme starts rather timidly at first, a young man wrestling with new-found emotions. Fragments of Aerith’s and Tifa’ s themes run throughout as Cloud becomes more confident and his relationship grows with them both. Just as Aerith is about to come back into the picture (1:04:50), Tifa’ s theme cuts in almost intrusively (1:04;5,6), drowning Aerith out. Tifa takes centre stage, Cloud’s theme appearing occasionally in perfect fit with Tifa’s. Bus as Cloud remembers Aerith (1:06:33), he is left with a dilemma.

The second part of Cloud’s theme plays, timidly once more (1:06:52). The birds return with Aerith, who tries to find her way back into his theme (1:07:09). Eventually the solo violin and cello are able to harmonize, and Cloud realizes his feelings for Aerith. Her theme is finally allowed to blossom (1:08:08), and Cloud’s theme fits perfectly with hers. Despite this, Aerith still shows some reservations (1:08:31), partly troubled by the resemblance that Cloud bears to an old friend named Zack. Aerith tries to shake off those feelings (1:09:07), but they are no longer in perfect harmony as their themes play simultaneously in higher and lower registers (1:10:06). Although they are able to reconcile briefly, Sephiroth suddenly interrupts and things are left in disarray (1:10:06).

Aerith and Cloud try to find each other again (1:10:28), fragments from each theme appearing in different keys in a desperate attempt to return to harmony. Things become increasingly dire as Sephiroth resurfaces, increasing the dissonance and tension. Aerith’s theme repeatedly tries to make it through, but to no avail as Sephiroth impales Aerith with his blade (1:11:54). All she can manage now is quick, laboured breaths. Sephiroth draws out his sword (1:12:12) and Aerith’s breathing slowly tapers off, until finally, she breathes her last.

Final Symphony, official concert program

So, this officially licensed concert states that Cloud dated Aeris, that while Tifa’s theme interrupts and drowns out Aerith’s, Cloud starts to realize his love for Aerith. Aerith briefly falters as she’s reminded of Zack, but the two find harmony again – confirming their love before tragedy strikes.

The Blu-Ray is available for purchase on Square Enix’s official online store here. The full concert can also be listened to on Spotify here.

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