Cloud did WHAT with Aerith in the Gondola? Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest x Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Official Comic

Released in October 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the Itadaki Street DRAGON QUEST & FINAL FANTASY 30th ANNIVERSARY brought Cloud once again to the virtual board-game world of Itadaki Street. A party game along the lines of the Mario Party series, Itadaki Street allows you to pick characters and control them along a board – and unlock dialogue along the way. As the name implies, the Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary collaboration brought characters from both series to the game as playable avatars.

The collaboration wasn’t just cosmetic skins for playable avatars, though – the characters would talk and interact with cute, personalized dialogue. But more than that, the game featured a “Museum Mode” – an extra where the player could unlock nostalgic scenes from the characters’ respective games, which would play with various characters commentating on it!

For Final Fantasy VII, there were four museum scenes: Cloud riding the motorcycle to break out of Shinra HQ, Sephiroth burning down Nibelheim, Sephiroth “meeting” JENOVA in the Nibelheim mansion, and Cloud’s Gold Saucer date with Aeris!

Cloud: I’m sure that when we were on the gondola Aerith was aware of the real me, who I turned my eyes away from at the time.

Full video available here!

It’s a sweet confirmation that Aerith was indeed aware of Cloud’s true self and a nice homage to one of Final Fantasy VII’s most iconic scenes.

But that’s not where the cross-over ends. A short 4-panel comic was released in conjunction with the game. In it, the characters introduce “Museum Mode,” telling cast members that they can access memorable scenes from the featured games. Then, they pull up an example on-screen, with all the characters sitting in the audience.

The scene? Cloud’s date with Aerith – but censored! Cloud freaks out, telling them to turn it off, while the other characters watch shocked, and wondering “Uh, Cloud does things like this..?”

The comic and my personal translation

The joke seems to be that something private or naughty was going on that Cloud did not want anyone to see. What exactly were you doing with Aerith in the gondola, Cloud? Huh? Huh?!

Skeptics will ask if the comic is official; in fact, it’s on Square Enix’s official website! Go here to check it out:

If you click the pink box, you pull up the comic itself.

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