Clerith Wins in the FF7 Rebirth Ultimania (And Other New Official Literature)

The release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has meant new official literature with it, including a World Preview, a 700+ page Ultimania, and even things like CD pamphlets. There’s a lot here for Clerith fans to enjoy – especially concerning the date scene between Cloud and Aerith. So kick back and enjoy some of the highlights!

Aerith Used as Example of a “Romantic” Date on Cloud’s Profile


クラウドは物語終盤のゴールドソーサーにおいて、好感度の高い仲間 ひとりと特別な時間を過ごす。その内容は相手によってさまざまで、ロマンチックな雰囲気になる場合もあれば、クラウドらしからぬコミカルな姿を見られる場合もあるのだ

Likeability Event Clip

Toward the end of the story in Gold Saucer, Cloud spends some special time with one of his companions who holds him in high favor. The content varies depending on the partner: sometimes the atmosphere becomes romantic, and other times we see a comical situation rather uncharacteristic of Cloud.

-FF7 Rebirth Ultimania, page 9

Aerith’s High Affection Date Shown on Her Profile

This is a fun one – in Aerith’s profile, an image from her high-affection date is used (that is, Cloud is holding her hand.) Note that the high affection version of Cloud’s date with Tifa is not used on her profile – only Cloud hugging Tifa, rather than kissing her. The description in Aerith’s profile is also clear that Aerith confirmed her romantic feelings toward Cloud during her date with him.


大舞台での独唱という大役を果た したのち、興奮冷めやらぬままゴン ドラへ。出会った当初はクラウドに ザックスを重ねて見ていたことを明 かしつつ、クラウドへの好意をまっ すぐに伝え、花火のなか、身を寄せ 肩にもたれかかる。

Likeability event clip

After performing the leading role of vocalist on the big stage, she goes to the gondola with excitement still lingering. She reveals that when they first met, she saw Zack again in Cloud, but she directly conveys her feelings for Cloud, and leans in on his shoulder in the midst of the fireworks.

Aerith Pictured as the Default Date in Chapter 8’s Main Story Digest

FF7 Rebirth Ultimania, pagee 218

Aerith Pictured as the Default Date in Chapter 12’s Main Story Digest

Not only is Aerith again used to illustrate Cloud’s date, check out the description accompanying the image! “Confirming their bond” by spending a special moment together together on the gondola – wow, what a way to describe Cloud and Aerith’s date.

その夜、クラウドがホテルで休息を取っていると、仲間が訪ねてきた。誘われるままにジェシーが主演するはずだった舞台 「LOVELESS」を観劇し、作詞コンテストで選ばれたエアリスの歌唱に聴き入るクラウド。さらに、ゴンドラで特別なひとときを過ごし、クラウドとパートナーは絆を確かめ合う。

That night, while Cloud was taking a rest at the hotel, his companion came to visit. While invited out with them, Cloud goes to see the play “LOVELESS,” in which Jesse was supposed to star, and is absorbed in Aerith’s song, which was selected in a song-writing contest. Furthermore, Cloud and his partner confirm their bond together by spending a special moment on the gondola.

OG Story Playback: Cloud Kisses Aerith in the Gold Saucer Date

Here’s a fun one! Each chapter has the Rebirth version of the FF7 story digest, as well as playback to the corresponding scenes in the original game. While all four original dates do have mention, only Aeris is used for the Gold Saucer scenes. And the dialogue chosen? Cloud kissing Princess Rosa, I mean Aeris’s, hand!

About that Tifa Kiss.. the Devs Say It’s Fanservice

Yikes! The interviewer asked Toriyama-san and Nojima-san about the kiss scene with Tifa that occurs if Cloud dates her with high favorability. This prompted the pair to discuss how the affection mechanic can make the storyline feel emotionally incoherent, and Nojima asked fans to enjoy the affection system (and thereby the dating mechanic) as something “detached” from the main storyline. He then laughed and said it reminded him of playing a dating simulator game.

That all seems to imply that Tifa’s date – and perhaps the choices the player has to take to get there – are something the devs view as fanservice.


鳥山: ファンのみなさんがいままで想像するだけだったところなので、実際の映像としてどこまで具体的に見せるか、慎重に検討しました。おじさんとしては、見るのがちょっと恥ずかしいシーンですけどね(笑)。

野島: ただ、本音を言うと、好感度のシステムがあることでシナリオの筋が通らなくなる恐れもあって・・・・・・。

鳥山: プレイヤーが会話の返事を選択できる仕組みだ と、シナリオ側で誘導したいキャラクターの感情とズレ が生じる可能性が出てくるんですよ。

野島: とはいえ、みなさんが期待している要素ですので、 好感度システムは主軸となるストーリーとは少し離れ て、ゲームならではの遊びとして楽しんでもらえればうれしいです。とくに今回は、こんなにリアルな映像世界のなかで、人の気持ちを揺り動かすためにはどんな表現 をしたらいいのか、いろいろと工夫しました。30年くらい前に恋愛シミュレーションゲームをプレイしていた 当時のことを、ひさびさに思い出しましたね (笑)。

-If your affection score is high, there’s a kiss scene at the end of the date with Tifa.

Toriyama: Because that’s something fans have only been able to imagine until now, we carefully considered how clearly we could depict things in terms of the actual visuals. As an older man myself, I feel a little embarrassed watching that scene [laughs].

Nojima: But to be honest, there is a risk that having an affection system might make the scenario feel less coherent…

Toriyama: When you have a system where players can choose how to respond during conversations, there’s a possibility that the emotions of the characters would be out of sync with what the scenario was trying to convey.

Nojima: That said, since that’s an element of the game everyone anticipates, I’m happy if people enjoy the affection system as a kind of video game–specific element that’s a bit detached from the main story line. This time especially, we’ve thought up ways to express various things so they move people’s emotions in such a realistic visual world. It reminded me of playing dating sim games 30 years ago [laughs].

-FF7 Rebirth Ultimania, page 734

Nojima’s Favorite Dialogue? Talking to Aerith on the Water Tower

While not strictly Clerith, Nojima-san revealed his favorite lines of dialogue in the game that he wrote – and it’s when Cloud talks to Aerith for the second time on the water tower in Nibelheim. This is a lovely scene where Aerith reveals some of the vulnerability and sadness hidden behind her cheerful exterior to Cloud.

ご自身が担当したキャラクターのセリフのなかで、 とくに気に入っているものはありますか?

野島 給水塔のエアリスですかね。2回目に話しかけた ときに、故郷という概念はもちろん、幼少期の思い出の 共有相手を持たない彼女が気持ちを持てあましているセ リフ、声のトーン、表情、足バタバタ。完璧です(笑)。

—Of the lines you’ve written for characters, do you have any that you particularly like?

Nojima: I suppose it’s the scene with Aerith on the water tower. Speaking with her for the second time, her lines, tone of voice, facial expressions, and the way she kicks her legs show that she was struggling with her feelings because she had no one to share her childhood memories with, or even the concept of a hometown. It’s perfect [laughs].

Clerith Date In Official Soundtrack Booklet

Not just in the Rebirth Ultimania, but for those who scored the game’s OST, check out the booklet that accompanies the CD! Sure enough, Aerith’s date (and only Aerith’s date) is depicted.

Aerith’s Resolution Used in Rebirth World Preview Book Story Digest

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth World Preview, released just shortly before Rebirth itself, featured a story digest summarizing the events of Remake, the first game of the new trilogy. In Chapter 14 of Remake, there’s a “date” of sorts with either Aerith, Tifa, or Barret – and sure enough, the only “Resolution” scene depicted is the one with Aerith. (This scene, of course, is the one where Aerith tells Cloud he can’t fall in love with her – and Cloud argues that he should get a say in that.)

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