The Most Epic Date Ever: Remake’s Chapter 9 Entire Purpose is Building the Cloud/Aerith Romance

Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy VII Remake is the game's longest chapter, and it serves one primary purpose: to build up the romance between Cloud and Aerith. Sounds crazy? It might be - but it's true. After all, the seeds have already been planted. The last chapter opened with Aerith promising Cloud "one date" in … Continue reading The Most Epic Date Ever: Remake’s Chapter 9 Entire Purpose is Building the Cloud/Aerith Romance

Clerith and Music: All Songs Representing Cloud and Aerith

The music in Final Fantasy VII is emotional, entrancing, and reflects the game's story while adding special context of its own. Between the original game and Remake, sometimes the message is nuanced, sometimes conspicuous. Since Cloud and Aerith's relationship is a huge element to the game's story, it's no surprise that there are many (and … Continue reading Clerith and Music: All Songs Representing Cloud and Aerith

Did Aeris Know the “Real” Cloud?

A major argument against Cloud and Aeris's romantic relationship is that Cloud and Aeris only interacted in disc 1 of the game - a period in which Cloud was knee-deep in his identity crisis, which was not resolved until the game's second disc. Auxiliary claims allege that Cloud is actually role-playing Zack in disc 1, … Continue reading Did Aeris Know the “Real” Cloud?

The Perfect Girl For Cloud, According to Cloud’s Mom (Hint: It’s Aerith)

After Aeris contracts Cloud to be her bodyguard (in exchange for one date), she brings him to her house in Sector 5, where she lives with her mother, Elmyra. It's a quaint, homey cottage surrounded by flower gardens - a sharp visual contrast from the rest of the cyberpunk junkyard of Midgar's slums that Cloud … Continue reading The Perfect Girl For Cloud, According to Cloud’s Mom (Hint: It’s Aerith)

All the times Cloud and Aerith are called a couple in Chapter 9

Cloud and Aerith have one major purpose in Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy VII Remake, and it isn't to rescue Tifa from Don Corneo's mansion - it's to convince everyone around them that they are in a romantic relationship. Which they do - without even trying. [Bandit] Hold it right there, lovebirds! [Barker] Welcome to … Continue reading All the times Cloud and Aerith are called a couple in Chapter 9

HOLLOW: Cloud’s Ballad to Aerith

Final Fantasy VII Remake's soundtrack flaunted clever rearrangements and medleys of beloved tracks from the original game, but the game's end credits theme song was something completely new. Legendary Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu returned to compose the piece, which featured vocals performed by Yosh of Survive Said The Prophet. FF7 lead writer Kazushige Nojima … Continue reading HOLLOW: Cloud’s Ballad to Aerith