Cloud did WHAT with Aerith in the Gondola? Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest x Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Official Comic

Released in October 2017 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the Itadaki Street DRAGON QUEST & FINAL FANTASY 30th ANNIVERSARY brought Cloud once again to the virtual board-game world of Itadaki Street. A party game along the lines of the Mario Party series, Itadaki Street allows you to pick characters and control them along a … Continue reading Cloud did WHAT with Aerith in the Gondola? Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest x Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Official Comic

FF7 Dev Kitase Wanted To Make a Side Story Game with Aerith and Cloud

In the September 2001 issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, a feature on Final Fantasy X brought in some familiar developers from Square for an interview. Yoshinori Kitase, one of the the key developers of Final Fantasy VII - and director of Final Fantasy VII: Remake - dropped an interesting comment. I believe it would be … Continue reading FF7 Dev Kitase Wanted To Make a Side Story Game with Aerith and Cloud

What are the romantic couples of the Final Fantasy series?

The Final Fantasy series tell emotional adventures filled with drama, hatred, and of course, love! The compatibility between certain characters is a fan-favorite topic, but select couples have become particularly iconic. Out of the mainline games, here are the romantic couples that are at the forefront of the series, with official (or near-official) status. Final … Continue reading What are the romantic couples of the Final Fantasy series?

On First Love (And Second): A Final Fantasy Tradition

Final Fantasy VII has confounded its fanbase for decades with its notoriously messy romance threads. The infamous love triangle between Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa is further confounded by Aeris's own alleged love triangle between Cloud and her "first love," Zack. To some fans, this simplified the story: rather than accept an ambiguous love story between … Continue reading On First Love (And Second): A Final Fantasy Tradition

Final Fantasy Tactics: A Clerith Love Story

The aptly-named Final Fantasy Tactics is a tactical role-playing game, deviating from Final Fantasy's classic battle system but still retaining its epic storytelling and character-driven drama. Released in Japan in June 1997 and in the U.S. in January 1998, it was unleashed unto fans only half a year after the extraordinary success of Final Fantasy … Continue reading Final Fantasy Tactics: A Clerith Love Story

Fans Celebrate June 1st as Cloud and Aerith’s Wedding Anniversary

If you hang out on Twitter or other fan communities, you may see Clerith fans celebrating Cloud and Aeris's wedding anniversary on June 1st. It's a cute tradition, but do you know why? The Japanese mobile phone game Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade held a special June Bride event in June 2017 titled "想いを胸に" - and … Continue reading Fans Celebrate June 1st as Cloud and Aerith’s Wedding Anniversary